Data types in R

Masumbuko Semba
R is a flexible language that allows to work with different kind of data format [@bradley]. This inluced integer, numeric, character, complex, dates and logical. The default data type or class in R is double precision—numeric. In a nutshell, R treats all kind of data into five categories but we deal with only four in this book. Before proceeding, we need to clear the workspace by typing rm(list = ls()) after the prompt in the in a console.

Begginer guide: get familar with coding in R

Masumbuko Semba
In the previous post, you installed and got a glimpse of R and Rstudio program. In this chapter you begin to do something with them. We will begin with some simple calculations and then move on to variables. We then move to functions and later to packages. We will learn the basic data types that are widely used in R and how to construct them This chapter provides example of foundational programming concepts in R.

Basics of R programming

Masumbuko Semba
Introduction An increase in complexity and scale of environmental data both from satellite and insitu observations. This means scientists are increasingly required to develop data skills needed to design reproducible workflows for the simulation, collection, organization, pocessing, analysis and presentation of the results. However, to gain that skills requires some knowledge of coding using one or more computer languages. Coding also known as scripting, makes your work explicitly described, and transparent and completely reproducible.

Learning Rmarkdown

Masumbuko Semba
Introduction We aimed at assessing the performance of different diet on chick weight. We use rmarkdown to automate the report that contain formatted plain text, code,figures, table and reference As mentioned previous, an R Markdown file is simply a plain text with and .Rmd extension. Data We use the data ChickWeight from the base R dataset package. It has four variables; weight: a numeric vector with the body weight of the chick in gm Time: a numeric vector with the number of days since the birth when the record begin at day zero Chick: an ordered factor with levels that group chicks with the same diet together Diet: A factor with levels 1–4 indicating the type of feed used for experimental We first need to load the tidyverse package developed by Hadley Wickham and others (Wickham 2017).